Tender Beans Preschool

Tech First Preschool in Rupnagar

Tender Beans Preschool, a premier early education institute in Rupnagar, Guwahati, specializes in nurturing children aged 1.5 to 5.5 years. With a focus on holistic development, it stands out as the city's finest preschool. Offering a unique learning and caring environment, Tender Beans ensures comprehensive growth, providing an engaging and supportive atmosphere for every stage of a child's development.

About Us

About Us

Tender Beans Preschool is dedicated to providing a diverse range of services tailored to the needs of busy parents. Our offerings include nursery programs, engaging summer activities, convenient after-school programs, and reliable transportation services. We take pride in offering a comfortable and well-equipped infrastructure, ensuring that every child feels at home and has access to all the essentials. Our facilities encompass spacious classrooms, expansive outdoor play areas, and modern amenities.

Emphasizing hygiene and safety, we maintain impeccable cleanliness standards across our premises. Our stringent safety measures are designed to offer parents peace of mind, prioritizing the protection of every child. We are committed to engaging and inspiring young learners through innovative teaching methods that spark a lifelong love for learning.

Mr. Kishore Kumar Das, a dedicated education enthusiast, leads Tender Beans Preschool. With his passion and expertise, he has contributed significantly to the growth and development of countless young minds.

Remy Sharp

Owner and Mentor

Our mission

  • At Tender Beans Preschool, we're all about creating a cozy space where little ones grow in every way.

  • We're here to gear up each kiddo with what they need to shine, all while celebrating their unique journey.

  • We're all about sparking bright ideas, artistic flair, and the knack for cracking puzzles – skills they'll carry for life!

  • With loads of heart, we're laying down a strong foundation, making sure every kid's future is as wide open as the sky!

Our vision

Our vision revolves around cultivating a joyful and supportive atmosphere that nurtures social, emotional, and academic progress. We believe that learning should be a joyful exploration, and we endeavor to offer a diverse range of activities and experiences that ignite creativity and curiosity. Our team of experienced educators is dedicated to providing personalized attention and care to ensure each child feels cherished and empowered.

Preschool Franchise

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum includes the following:

The Core Curriculum -

The Core Curriculum: At Tender Beans Preschool, we offer a comprehensive education that focuses on overall development, rooted in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.

The Augmented Curriculum -

The Augmented Curriculum: Our enriched curriculum addresses key developmental areas beyond the core, catering to the growth needs of young minds.

Preschool Franchise


As children step out of the comfort of their parents' embrace for the first time, it becomes essential that the new environment becomes their haven of safety and security.



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Rupnagar, Guwahati Medical College Road, Birubari, Guwahati 781016, Dist. Kamrup (M), Assam

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Frequently Asked
