The Wisdom Tree Concept School

Best School in Narsipatnam, Andhra Pradesh

At The Wisdom Tree Concept School , we believe in nurturing young minds and fostering a love for exploration. Our preschool provides a safe and engaging environment where children can embark on an exciting journey of growth and development.

About Us

About Us

At The Wisdom Tree Concept School , we prioritize creating a supportive partnership with parents, valuing open communication and collaboration. We believe that a strong connection between home and school is essential for a child's holistic growth and development.With a focus on creativity, critical thinking, and character development.We offer a diverse curriculum designed to stimulate curiosity and imagination while laying the groundwork for future academic success.

Swarna Vooda & Ravi Vooda intend to provide ecosystem of quality education , enables kids to understand and apply concepts of learning.

Remy Sharp
Swarna Vooda & Ravi Vooda


Our mission

  • We fosters child development not only in academics but also in social , emotional , physical and creative growth.

  • We integrate technology in early childhood education.

  • We nurturing children’s emotional well being and providing resources to support mental health.

Our vision

Our vision revolves around cultivating a joyful and supportive atmosphere that nurtures social, emotional, and academic progress. We believe that learning should be a joyful exploration, and we endeavor to offer a diverse range of activities and experiences that ignite creativity and curiosity. Our team of experienced educators is dedicated to providing personalized attention and care to ensure each child feels cherished and empowered.

Preschool Franchise

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum includes the following:

The Core Curriculum

We provide an exceptional education that is needed for whole-child development by adhering to the acknowledged British EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum.

The Augmented Curriculum

The extended curriculum accommodates parents' needs and priorities while also incorporating required components that go above and beyond the core curriculum to assist children's entire development.

Preschool Franchise


During this initial activity, children embark on their first journey away from the comforting presence of their parents, underscoring the importance of the environment transforming into a reassuring extension of their home.



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New State Bank Lane, Narsipatnam - 531116

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Frequently Asked
